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Why Nation's Station?


My prayer is that this great nation of the United States of America will humble themselves and turn back to obeying the Lord’s commands. We live in the most highly sought after and wealthy country in the world! Our poorest citizens are still more blessed when compared to the standards of third world countries today. Most of them have shoes to wear, clean water to drink, and know how to read and write.

I believe it is no accident that I married a man with last name NATION. His family background includes farming, gardening, raising cattle, cutting hay and chopping wood. His parents raised four wonderful children on an income from the brick plant and farm. They cooked, canned and sewed most everything they needed from scratch. Later his parents went on several mission trips to Honduras and Belize. They regularly attended church, but more importantly they modeled the Christian faith by helping out their neighbors and gave generously to Heifer Project and local YMCA just to name two. For many years, as they were physically able, they donated and attended the Festival of Sharing. I am honored and blessed to be a part of this wonderful family and country!

I think of a train station with parallel rails that continue in both directions as far as the eye can see… the depot provides a shelter where passengers can get on and off, sit in anticipation for their loved ones to arrive back home, or just stroll through for a change of scenery. I also think about a radio station with antennas reaching high into the sky so they can clearly pick up any signals being transmitted. As human beings do you realize we give off frequencies?! I bet you’ve noticed how the mood of a room changes when someone yells and cusses out another person, even if it doesn’t involve you. Or, how laughter is contagious! The excitement of a child can lighten the mood of those grieving or depressed. 

Throughout each month, I want to share life’s lessons. I want us to work through the difficulties by recognizing our strengths and weaknesses so that we can become more and more like Jesus as we learn how to listen to that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit! But we can’t stop there- we need to let God’s Word change us from the inside out so that God can work through us to reach others in this lost and dark world. Hope you join me in this adventure called Nation’s Station!

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